Saturday, 19 June 2010

I have decided that as today can only be a short post, I going  to try & leave with you some positive words & meanings.

I had the 2nd part of the DIY Dress article on Rock my wedding today & a huge thank you to the girlies, it's really uplifted me & I am so grateful to them. So as they have been an encourager to me by posting my article, let me hopefully be an encourager to you guys. Ok let me explain......

Now I find it very hard to express what I am trying to say sometimes & words don't flow as easily as I would like so I have been looking through some of my many inspirational books & Lyndia Field sums this up perfectly for me in a very old book of mine that I had from university days when insecurity used to set in. Titled ' 60 ways to feel amazing' :

Life is a precious gift, miraculous and amazing but we are not always able to appreciate this miracle fully. When we face obstacles & difficulties our lives can become such a struggle that we lose touch with the amazingness of it all.

 Hopefully this little technique below by Lynda Field will get you thinking about the magic of life !

B E    A N    E N C O U R A G E R.

Who do you know who could do with some encouragement right now ?

Maybe it’s you. One of the surest ways to give yourself  hope is to inspire someone else.

People have good intentions,they want to communicate and they want to be creative.

So how do you be an encourager ?

Think of someone who encouraged you. What did they say? What did they do ?

Do the same for someone else. When you start to inspire another person you to will feel inspired yourself.

So I leave you with this for the weekend & hope that you put it in to action. There are many more amazing techiques in this little book ' 60 ways to feel amazing' & when I get a little more time I will try to share  some with you.

Enjoy peeps. x x

guided by passion, this story is just the beginning...................

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