Thursday 12 August 2010

Ok, at last the time out is over peeps !  I was in need of an ickle vacation from Dainty B. You know when your creative juices aren't flowing and sometimes things begin to be a chore instead of just enjoying the fruitful road & going with the flow ! Well the last week or so was a bit like that for me ! I have been very busy with my day job & then out of work a few things have been keeping me busy then the blog addition wasn't really happening so a time out for moi !  I now feel back on track & so ready to inspire with some gorgeous wedding treats.

But first I must update you on my last minute opportunity do a charity tandem skydive & I tell you girlies it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. What an experience ! What made it for me was that I was able to enjoy it with my hubby & other family members. Great fun ! The charity which we are collecting for is Macmillan, & at the moment my sponsors are quite poor so I need to get a move on and get people donating ! I am not even half way to my £500 target amount ! There's time yet though hey ! If get a little more organised I will add a few pics on the blog for you to see ! Just amazing x 

I have also been on a little camping vacation with my family & adorable nephew and niece to Wales ! I had such a great time & I loved the camping experience! We also seemed to hit it lucky with the weather too. The only thing that was missing was the hubby as he had other work commitments. Nevermind, defo next year.
So lets get back on the wedding track & for today I am just going to leave you with this
adorable wedding invite that I found on the very fabulous Stylemepretty. L.U.S.H !

This is only a brief post for tonight, but I just wanted to let you know ickle Di is back to her blog updates and will hopefully bring a smile to 1 or two faces !

Has anyone missed me ? he he

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